Ramadan Countdown – Prepare for the Blessed Month!


Let's Brighten Life

The Month of Dhul Hijjah is the last
month of the Islamic calendar

The Month of Dhul Hijjah is the last month of the Islamic calendar and one of the four holy months of Islam. This month holds the glory of Islam’s two sacred events: the ten days of Dhul Hijjah – including the Day of Arafah – and Eid Ah-Adha.

Worldwide, Muslims strive to seek the forgiveness and closeness of Allah Almighty. And Allah S.W.T will reward all good deeds.

The Prophet ﷺ said: “There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than in these (ten) days.” – Abu Dawud.

He ﷺ encourages us Muslims, through this Hadith, to increase our acts of worship, do good deeds to one another, and give a helping hand to our Muslim brothers who are vulnerable and poor.

The Prophet said: “Fasting the day of `Arafah expiates the sins of two years: the past one and the coming one.” – Muslim.



Every year BASMAH arranges the sacrifice of healthy and halal animals on behalf of the donors and distributes the meat among the Rohingya refugees and needy people.

Feed the Hungry

Feed the Hungry

Bangladesh where economic inequality, extreme poverty, and food insecurity are rampant. With a population of 164 million and recurrent natural disasters, many people,

Clean Water

Clean Water

Water is essential, water is life. Many people still do not have access to clean water in remote and poor communities in Bangladesh.

Eid Gifts

Eid Gifts

Eid, one of the biggest celebrations of the Islamic calendar, During this joyful time, we celebrate with family and friends and hand out gifts.

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Stories from
Donors &
Beloved Scholars

Feed the Hungry

Bangladesh where economic inequality, extreme poverty, and food insecurity are rampant. With a population of 164 million and recurrent natural disasters, many people, including children and the homeless, struggle to afford a proper meal.BASMAH is dedicated to reaching the “Hard to Reach People” who live with hunger, including poor slum dwellers and street people. Learn more .
Clean Water

Clean Water

Water is essential, water is life. Many people still do not have access to clean water in remote and poor communities in Bangladesh. The women, children and the elderly suffer the most from the water crisis. Giving water is one of the best forms of service to the needy that one can provide. This is Sadaqah Jariya, providing a lifeline that keeps on giving water to needy communities. Learn more

Eid Gifts

Eid, an auspicious occasion that marks the end of Ramadan Eid, one of the biggest celebrations of the Islamic calendar, During this joyful time, we celebrate with family and friends and hand out gifts. These gifts are extra special to our children who eagerly look forward to receiving a present. Let’s not forget the orphaned children and the vulnerable families who are living in poverty and don’t have the access and means to provide gifts. Learn more .
Sadaqah Jariyah
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