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Build A Mosque The Best Sadaqah

“Whoever builds a mosque, desiring thereby Allah’s pleasure,  Allah builds for him the like of it in paradise.” [Bukhari]

Ways to Donate

Small Masjid


build a small mosque and gain countless reward

Masjid with Ozu Space


Build a Masjid with Ozu facility and toilet

Grand Masjid


build a Grand mosque and gain countless reward

2 Level Masjid with Ozu Space


Build a 2 Level Masjid with Ozu Space facility

Imam Support


Imam Monthly Support and gain countless reward

What We're Doing

Since 2023 Basmah has built of mosques . We are your trusted partner to deliver a mosque construction project in Bangladesh. Our teams will work with you every step of the way providing you feedback and also giving you the opportunity to open your newly constructed Mosque. Our comprehensive community mosques project includes:

Building mosques in rural communities

Supporting mosque libraries

Hifz Student Scholar Programmes

Provide grants to renovate existing mosques

Support community education initiatives

Community Outreach Initiatives

The Importance Of Mosques

At basmah, we know that without personal and spiritual development, there can be no social development. In most of the villages we work, mosques are the places where personal and spiritual development happens. Mosques also double as community centers and places of learning. It’s where people are united in worship, where men and women come to for solace and support, and where children learn to read. Mosques are the center of any community where people can congregate for their five daily prayers and Friday congregation sermons. A mosque serves as a place where Muslims can come together for prayers, information, education and meetings.

Faith is vital to shaping the attitudes, beliefs and practices that lay the foundation for everyday life. Faith unites people as a community, gives them strength, breeds hope, and inspires social justice as well as the perseverance to improve themselves and their lives. Within the Islamic context where the concept of Zakat obligates the fair distribution of wealth, faith is integral to development. at basmah we build community mosques in remote villages to aid development. Mosques are where people gather to worship. It’s where children learn religious manners and to read the Holy Qur’an. In mosques villagers are united as a community to practice and better understand their faith, which is vital to development.

Our Process

After you make your donation:

1. Our donor care team will be in touch with a welcome pack


2. You will receive a progress report a few months into the project containing progress images and an update. Usually this is to notify you that the location has been selected.


3. You will receive a final report upon completion with information on the construction, and media for your Masjid!

“What if I can't?”

We don’t just offer full project solutions. We allow for contributions to parts of a Masjid. Any amount that you contribute to our general Masjid fund will go towards building bigger Mosque structures.


Every amount, no matter how big or small goes a long way – especially in the eyes of Allah.

Build a Masjid: Donate to build a mosque, FAQ

How long will my project take to build?

We kindly ask for your understanding that all our construction projects are granted a full year for completion. This extended timeframe allows us to meticulously progress through multiple essential stages before commencing construction. These stages include conducting a thorough needs assessment, which helps us identify crucial factors such as the location, size, and conditions of the community, as well as any challenges we may encounter, especially in remote forested areas.

Why are some masjids larger but cost less?

It’s important to note that the cost and scale of construction projects can fluctuate significantly. Factors such as the prices of materials and labor in different regions can lead to variations in project costs. Additionally, harder-to-reach areas may incur higher expenses due to the challenges of transporting materials and labourers. However, the level of need in these remote regions can vary as well, depending on the results of our thorough needs assessment.

Can I name the Masjid I've donated to build?

We extend an invitation to donors to designate a name for their project contribution. Many donors opt to honor a lost loved one, themselves, or a family member with this naming privilege. Additionally, some donors may prefer to keep their charitable acts anonymous. The plaque provided upon project completion can bear either a name or a prayer, but it will consistently feature the Donation ID that you receive upon making your generous contribution.

What should I donate towards if I cannot choose?

When you are uncertain about where to allocate your donation, it is often most impactful to contribute to our ‘Most Needed Funds.’ These funds are typically directed towards critical and urgent projects. Additionally, you can explore a diverse array of projects on our website to discover one that aligns with your specific donation preferences and criteria.

Is it possible to build a mosque as a form of Sadaqah Jariyah for a deceased loved one?

Yes, building a mosque as a Sadaqah Jariyah (ongoing charity) is a beautiful way to honor a deceased loved one. The rewards of this noble act continue as long as people pray, learn, and benefit from the mosque. You can dedicate the mosque to your loved one and seek blessings on their behalf.

What is the process for initiating such a project?

The process begins with your donation. Once completed, our field team identifies rural villages where mosques are most needed. After selecting a location, the construction typically takes 4-6 months. The entire project is completed within 12 months, Insha’Allah. We ensure you are kept updated throughout the project’s progress with regular updates, including photos and videos.

Are there different options available for mosque construction (e.g., size, location)?

Yes, we offer three mosque options:

Small Mosque: $6,350
Mosque with Ablution Space: $12,000
Grand Mosque: $16,000
These mosques vary in size and amenities, catering to the needs of the local community. You can choose the type of mosque and location based on your preference and the needs of the area.

How is the maintenance of the mosque handled after building it?

Beyond construction, we focus on nurturing the community’s development. Each mosque is staffed with an Imam (Islamic scholar) whose role extends beyond leading the five daily prayers. The Imam also:

Teaches children Quran in morning and after-school classes.
Provides Quran lessons for elderly community members after Isha Salah.
We ensure the Imam’s monthly salary and ongoing support for the mosque to foster an environment grounded in Islamic values.

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