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Qurbani rules in Islam

The Qurbani rules are followed by Muslims globally and are a part of the Islamic culture. The rules vary from country to country, but they all have a few things in common:


They should be performed on Eid ul Adha.

They should be performed within days of Eid al Adha.

Animals slaughtered for Qurbani must be healthy and well-fed.

Animals must not have been used for work or ridden on.

The Qurbani should be performed by a Muslim who has reached the age of puberty and is sane, healthy, and has enough money to buy the animal.

The Qurbani should be done in a way that it is most likely to reach Allah’s acceptance. For example, if a person can only afford to buy one sheep for their Qurbani, they should not slaughter two or more sheep at once.

The meat from a Qurbani can be donated to those in need or shared with family, friends, and neighbors. It can also be given away as a gift to someone who has done you a favor or helped you out in some way.

Why Muslim Do Qurbani?

Qurbani, or the Festival of Sacrifice, sees the sacrifice of livestock animals with shares of meat being distributed evenly amongst you, your relatives, and the poor.


As well as pleasing Allah, Muslims give Qurbani as an act of obedience that purifies the wealth of those who donate.


Muslims observe Qurbani honor the sacrifice that Ibrahim (AS) was prepared to make as he demonstrated the level of devotion and submission Allah expects. As well as being an act of obedience, Qurbani is also an act of charity which is very important and is echoed throughout the religion of Islam.

Rules of Qurbani Mentioned in Quran

Allah challenged Prophet Ibrahim to prove his faith in him, and as an act of obedience, he was willing to sacrifice his 13-year-old son Ismail. But, before Abraham could sacrifice his son, God intervened by sending his angel Jibreel (Gabriel), who then replaced his son with a ram. Since then, as a tribute, Muslim families across the globe have sacrificed livestock animals on Eid al-Adha to celebrate the divine intervention.


“You have fulfilled the vision. Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good”.

(Quran 37:105)

Qurbani Animals Rules

Not all animals are suitable for Qurbani, and there are rules for the health and age of an animal for them to be eligible for sacrifice.

Sheep and Cows and Camels

The age of the animal should meet a minimum of;

One year in age for sheep and goats (equal to one person’s Qurbani share).

Two years in age for cows and buffalo (equal to seven people’s Qurbani share).

Five years in age for camels (equal to seven persons’ Qurbani share).

Any animal chosen for sacrifice should be in good health and have no illness or disease, including;


Their horns cannot be broken.

They must have at least half their teeth.

They cannot have lost a third or more from their ears or tail.

They cannot be blind or have lost a third or more of their sight.

They must be able to walk without limp or lameness.

They must be well-fed and raised with care, not thin or lean.

Qurbani animals for sacrifice can be either male or female.

Qurbani Rules For Family Members

Qurbani rules for husband and wife and children, Every eligible Muslim should provide one share of Qurbani, and parents should give a stake in the name of their children. One small animal such as a goat or sheep is equivalent to one Qurbani share, while a larger animal, such as a cow or camel, is equal to seven shares and can be split between seven individuals.


As for husband and wife, the Qurbani rules stipulate that they can make a joint donation, but the animal must be big enough so that each person still gives their required one share. It is common for households to donate a larger animal worth seven shares, but it is not mandatory.

There is nothing wrong with giving meat from the Udhiyah to a non-Muslim, especially if the non-Muslim person is a friend, neighbor, or poor.

It is permissible for the Qurbani to be done on behalf of someone else, a relative of ours who has passed away.

According to Muslim jurists, the Qurbani ritual is an emphasized prophetic practice and an obligation. No act can replace or substitute the act of ritual animal sacrifice. The Qurbani is a devotional act that must be done in a kind and not by simply donating money.

Qurbani is an Islamic tradition that requires Muslims who are financially and physically able to sacrifice a goat, cow, sheep, or another animal by slitting the throat. The meat is then distributed to the needy.

The meat from the sacrificed animal is divided into three parts, one for the family, one for friends and relatives, and one for the poor and needy.

Qurbani is a religious obligation for Muslims. It is the act of sacrificing an animal and then distributing the meat to poor and needy people. The Qur’an states that every Muslim who has the means must give Qurbani, as a form of worship to God.

The Qurbani is done by sacrificing an animal such as a sheep, goat, cow, or camel. The meat from the slaughtered animal is then distributed in three parts: one-third for the family, one-third for friends and relatives, and one-third for the poor and needy.

Qurbani shares are a form of charity in Islam and are a way for Muslims to help their less fortunate brothers and sisters. Qurbani shares work by Muslims donating their Qurbani or animal sacrifice to needy Muslims who do not have the means to buy an animal for themselves.

In the Islamic faith, it is a religious obligation to offer Qurbani. It is a way of seeking Allah’s forgiveness and purifying oneself from sin. Qurbani can be offered for oneself or for someone else. The animal should be healthy and free of any disease or deformity.

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