Qurbani 2025 Pre-order now!
Alhamdulillah, last year, with your support, we provided Qurbani meals to families in need through the sacrifice of 301 animals. This year, with your help, we aim to bring nutritious food to those who need it most around the world for Eid al-Adha, Insha'Allah.

Ways to Donate
Every year BASMAH arranges the sacrifice of healthy and halal animals on behalf of the donors and distributes the meat among the Rohingya refugees and needy people. Eid-ul-Adha is the only time the poor can have some meat in Bangladesh. The situation for the Rohingya refugees is even worse. Living the life of refugees, the Rohingya people look forward to us for help. Give Your Qurbani/Udhiyah with BASMAH,
Share the meat, share the blessings! Let us not forget the distressed members of this Ummah who are in need of our support. Basmah is your connection to people who are really in need of the gift of meat. Basmah has been successfully performing Qurbani/Udhiaya of hundreds of animals and distributing the meat to the refugees and needy people to ensure a happy Eid for them.

Feed the Hungry this Dhul-Hijjah
Feed the Hungry this Dhul-Hijjah
Maximize your rewards with good deeds during the month of Dhul-Hijjah. Your donation will provide nutritious meals to families across the world. Make your gift sustainable by donating monthly for 30 meals for $30/month.
This year, give more than Qurbani
Our unique approach makes charitable giving affordable and rewardable and allows you to transform lives in ways that cost you just a few pennies (or cents) each day. Make a sustainable gift of a live goat for $160 that helps families escape poverty.

Automate your giving in Dhul-Hijjah
Click now and split your donations across the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah and more on the Day of Arafah!