
Support our Ramadan appeal and provide meals
for those fasting and are in need.

Prophet (PBUH) said, “He who feeds a fasting person will have a reward like that of the fasting person, without any reduction in his reward – (Tirmidhi)


Iftar Meals for 50 Rohingya RefugeesYour $50 ensures 50 individuals experience the essential Ramadan iftar

Food Box Benefactor: $150 Supports Five Rohingya families with essential food boxes, fostering a sense of community and care.

Generosity Guardian: $500 Contributes to a food box for a Rohingya family, offering essential provisions during Ramadan.

Ramadan Angel: $1000 Becomes a Ramadan angel for Rohingya families, offering aid and uplifting spirits this sacred month.

Ramadan Iftar / Food

Every year as Ramadan sets in, BASMAH provides Ramadan iftar food & dinner to over thousands of people including many masjids, at the Rohingya camps and orphanages in Bangladesh. 

The Rohingya refugees, who lost their livelihood following horrific persecution, constantly suffer from a lack of food supply. During Ramadan, we fear they often remain hungry during iftar time, experiencing no festivity in their lives during the holy month.

Our food baskets contribute to their food security in Ramadan. Our food basket contains essential food items and some groceries.  We urge you to make the best use of Ramadan by giving Zakat & Sadaqah to feed the deserving Rohingya refugees and needy local people.

Earn rewards for feeding a fasting person by sponsoring an Iftar meal.


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