Ways to Donate

Your Support Can Help Build One Shelter for a Rohingya Family Who Lost Their Shelter

Your Support Can Help Build Two Shelters for Rohingya Families Who Lost Their Shelters

Your Support Can Help Build Three Shelters for Rohingya Families Who Lost Their Shelters
Shelters for Rohingya refugees
BASMAH responds to emergencies as and when they occur. Alhamdulillah, BASMAH built over 300 shelters for the Rohingya refugees who lost their only place to live dues to a severe flash flood and landslide at Camp 17 & Camp- 8. BASMAH shelters contributed to the safety, and well-being of the refugee families. Hundreds of Rohingya shelters were damaged by the flood in the recent flood
The government of Bangladesh urged the NGO partners to come forward and authorized BASMAH to build the shelters.This was an honor and a big responsibility
Entrusted by the government for BASMAH to build the shelters. The shelter construction was a lengthy and complicated process. Alhamdulillah, with your support, BASMAH completed it successfully and BASMAH CEO Meer Hossain visited the camps to ensure its smooth completion.
BASMAH, in addition to building the shelters, repaired many mosques and other facilities at the camp.
You can donate any amount to this cause for maintenance and renovations.