12th Rabi’ ul-Awwal
12th Rabi’ ul-Awwal Rabi’ Al-Awwal is the third month of the Islamic calendar (Hijri calendar) and is one of the most significant times for Muslims

The Differences between Zakat Al Mal and Zakat Al Fitr
Let us explore the difference between Zakat Al mal and Zakat Al Fitr. To begin, let’s dive deep into the terminology itself. We have learned

Long-Term Social Implications of the Zakat System
Long-Term Social Implications of the Zakat System The zakat system has long been an imperative cornerstone for the progress and conservation of Islamic values in

How Zakat Cleanses Your Income and Brings Blessings
How Zakat Cleanses Your Income and Brings Blessings Zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam, is not just a duty but a means to

Good Deeds that Outlast Death | 5 Types of Sadaqah Jariyah
Good Deeds that Outlast Death | 5 Types of Sadaqah Jariyah “When a man dies all his good deeds come to an end except three:

The Power of Sadaqah: 7 Benefits of Giving Sadaqah
The Power of Sadaqah: 7 Benefits of Giving Sadaqah Allah loves those who do good, “And do good, for Allah certainly loves the good-doers” (Qur’an

10 Reasons Why you Should Give Sadaqah Regularly
10 Reasons Why you Should Give Sadaqah Regularly As a species, we are naturally inclined to self-preservation and self-growth. This makes us predominantly selfish creatures.

11 Hadiths About Sadaqah
11 Hadiths About Sadaqah Islam is a beautiful religion. It teaches us compassion through the act of sadaqah. Sadaqah, or voluntary charity, is a selfless

5 Types of Sadaqah You Might Never Have Heard Of
5 Types of Sadaqah You Might Never Have Heard Of Generally, we have heard of Sadaqah but do we know that Sadaqah can be categorised