Ongoing Charity After Death
Ongoing Charity in Hadith and Quran Islam came as a guideline to us Muslims to know how to lead a life in which Allah Almighty

Mosques Endowment in Islam
Benefits of Building a Mosque Masjids are as old as Islam, as they are the symbol of this religion and the heart of every Muslim

Building a Masjid as Sadaqah Jariyah
Mosques Endowment in Islam Mosque endowment is regarded as one of the greatest forms of charity and Sadaqah Jariyah, by which donors accrue rewards throughout

Qurbani rules in Islam
Qurbani rules in Islam The Qurbani rules are followed by Muslims globally and are a part of the Islamic culture. The rules vary from country

Qurbani Meaning and its Story
Qurbani Meaning and its Story Qurbani means sacrifice. Every year during the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah, Muslims around the world slaughter an animal –

The Importance of the Day of Arafah
The Day of Arafah Meaning The day the Prophet Muhammad (saw) gave his farewell sermon. It is the greatest day of the entire year in

Rules of Cow Qurbani
Rules of Cow Qurbani Qurbani of a Cow Every year, Muslims worldwide slaughter an animal (goat, sheep, cow, or camel). After Eid al Adha prayers,

Rules of Camel Qurbani
Rules of Camel Qurbani Qurbani of a Camel Muslims annually slaughter an animal (goat, sheep, cow, or camel).After the prayer of Eid al Adha, between

Qurbani Rulings and Animal Welfare
Qurbani Rulings and Animal Welfare Who is Eligible for Qurbani In Islam, everyone who is eligible to pay zakat is obliged to give Qurbani as